Success is accumulation and operation of hardwork
Success is accumulation and operation of hardwork. Perhaps we think the success of our predecessors is not difficult, but what we can't see is the perseverance and effort that they have doubled ours. To surpass mediocrity, we have to work our hardest, make 100% effort ev...Read more -
Liangmu Encyclopedia | Story between solid wood and panels
Recently, a friend of mine is decorating a new home. As a newcomer who has just entered the decorative industry, he is confused about everything, can not distinguish solid wood and boards. This issue of Encyclopedia will show you : the story betwee...Read more -
Things of the earth matter much to Liangmu
For a long time, Liangmu has been in awe of nature, actively formulated sustainable development plans, and applied a variety of environmental protection standards in the entire production system. While sharing environmental life with everyone, Liangmu also strives to red...Read more -
Chronicle of events – Mr. Wang Gang, General Manager of Qingdao Liangmu Group, was awarded the title
2019Qingdao - Chengyang Entrepreneurs Conference The end of 2019 is coming and wish all the best in Winter. On December 16, the first Entrepreneur Conference of Chengyang District was grandly opened! The purpose of the conference is to gather consensus from all parties, ...Read more -
Qingdao Liangmu passed the test of exhaust gas treatment facilities in 2019, here announce it
In 2019, our company has stepped to a new level under the leadership of the Communist party and state policies. Our company actively responds to the call of thestate and strictly implements the management measures and the relevant requirements of the environmental protec...Read more